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Reviews on the principle of effective nationality/孙倩

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Reviews on the principle of effective nationality

I. Introduction
In a world of ever-increasing transnational interaction, the importance of individual protection during the processes concurrently increases. Nationality is the principal link between individuals and states but also is the bridge connecting individuals with international law. It is just through the linkage of nationality can a person enjoy diplomatic protection by his parent state. But due to double nationality, there are lots of difficulties to effective diplomatic protection of individuals. The principle of effective nationality was formed through the judicial practice of international court of justice. What is the meaning of the principle of effective nationality? Is it a perfect theory in the face of diplomatic protection of dual national? In this article, the author will introduce the concept of this principle and give her opinions on it.
II: The concept of principle of effective nationality
Nationality of an individual is his quality of being a subject of a certain state. Nationality is of critical importance to individuals, especially with regard to individuals abroad or their property. Firstly, it is the main link between individual and a state. It is evidence that one can be protected by his parent state.
Secondly, to some extent, individuals are not the subjects of international law, so they cannot directly enjoy the rights and undertake responsibilities coming from international law. It is through the medium of their nationality that individuals can normally enjoy benefits from international law.
In principle, nationality as a term of local or municipal law is usually determined by the law of particular state. Each state has discretion of determining who is and who is not, to be considered its nationals. However, there is no generally binding rules concerning acquisition and loss of nationality, and as the laws of different states differ in many points relating to this matter, so it is beyond surprising that an individual may process more than one nationality as easily as none at all. But whether each granted nationality owned by these dual nationals has international effects is in doubt. In another word, the determination by each state of the grant of its own nationality is not necessarily to be accepted internationally without question. Especially, when a dual national seeks diplomatic protection in some third state, that state is not answerable to both of states of his nationality but only one of them. In this situation, the third state is entitled to judge which nationality should be recognized.
As stated in Art1 of the Hague Convention of 1930 on certain questions relating to the conflict of nationality laws, while it is for each state to determine under its own law who are its nationals, such law must be recognized by other states only “in so far as it is consistent with international conventions, international custom, and the principle of law generally recognized with regard to nationality”. In the “Nottebohm” case, the International Court of Justice regard nationality as: ‘a legal bond having as its basis a social fact of attachment, a genuine connection of existence and sentiments, together with the existence of reciprocal rights and duties. It may be upon whom it is conferred, either directly by the law or as a result of an act of the authorities, is in fact more closely connected with the population of the state conferring nationality than with that of any other state’ That is what is called the real and effective nationality. Deriving from the court’s opinion, the principle of effective nationality came into being. The essential parts of effective and real nationality are that which accorded with the facts, which based on stronger factual ties between the person concerned and one of the states whose nationality is involved. Different factors are taken into consideration, and their importance will vary from one case to the next: the habitual residence of the individual concerned is an important factor, but there are other factors such as the centre of his interests, his families, his participation in public life, attachment shown by him for a given country and inculcated in his children, etc. According to this principle, no state is under obligation to recognize a nationality granted not meeting the requirements of it. In the Nottebohm case, International Court of Justice first enunciated this principle and denied Liechtenstein the right to protect Nottebohm.
III. Nottebohm case and reviews on the principle of effective nationality
In the Nottebohm case, involving Liechtenstein and Guatemala, the former sought restitution and compensation on behalf of Nottebohm for the latter’s actions allegedly in violation of international law.
Nottebohm, a German national resident in Guatemala, had large business interest there and in Germany. He also had a brother in Liechtenstein, whom he occasionally visited. While still a German national, Nottebohm applied for naturalization in Liechtenstein on October 9, 1939, shortly after the German invasion of Poland. Relieved of the three-year residence requirements, Nottebohm paid his fees and taxes to Liechtenstein and became a naturalized citizen of Liechtenstein by taking an oath of allegiance on October 20,1939, thereby forfeiting his German nationality under the nationality law of Liechtenstein. He returned to Liechtenstein early in 1949 on a Liechtenstein passport to resume his business activities. At his request, the Guatemalan ministry of External Affairs changed the Nottebohm entry in its Register of Aliens from “German” to “Liechtenstein” national. Shortly afterward a state of war came into existence between the USA and Germany and between Guatemala and Germany. Arrested in Guatemala in 1943, Nottebohm has deported to the USA, where he was interned as an enemy alien until 1946. Upon his release, Nottebohm applied for readmission to Guatemala but was refused; therefore, he took up residence in Liechtenstein. Meanwhile, the Guatemalan government, after classifying him as an enemy alien, expropriated his extensive properties without compensation.
Liechtenstein instituted proceedings against Guatemala in International Court of Justice, asking the court to declare that Guatemala had violated international law “in arresting, detaining, expelling and refusing to readmit Mr. Nottebohm and in seizing and retaining his property”. The court rejected the Liechtenstein claim by a vote of 11 to 3, declaring that Nottebohm’s naturalization could not be accorded international recognition because there was no sufficient “bond of attachment” between Nottebohm and Liechtenstein.
The Nottebohm decision denied the competence of Liechtenstein to protect a naturalized citizen and the loss of Nottebohm could not be remedied. The application of the “genuine link” theory, borrowed from the very different context of dual nationality problems, has the unfortunate effect of depriving an individual of a hearing on the merits and the protection by a state willing to espouse his claim in the transnational arena. The net effect is an immense loss of protection of human rights for individuals. Such a decision runs counter to contemporary community expectations emphasizing the increased protection of human rights for individuals. If the right of protection is abolished, it becomes impossible to consider the merits of certain claims alleging a violation of the rules of international law. If no other state is in a position to exercise diplomatic protection, as in the present case, claims put forward on behalf of an individual, whose nationality is disputed or held to be inoperative on the international level and who enjoys no other nationality, would have to be abandoned. The protection of the individual which is so precarious under the international law would be weakened even further and the author consider that this would be contrary to the basic principle embodied in Article15 (2) of the Universal Declaration of Human Right. As a matter of human rights, every person should be free to change his nationality. Thus the Universal Declaration of Human Right states that ‘everyone has the right to a nationality’ (Art.15 (1)).The right to a nationality can be interpreted as a positive formulation of the duty to avoid statelessness. The duty to avoid statelessness is laid down in various international instruments, in particular in the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness. The term statelessness refers to the “de iure stateless persons” rather than “de-facto stateless persons”. If it is a free choice and if this nationality is to be a benefit rather than a burden to the individual, it should follow that he has the right to renounce one nationality on acquiring a new one. Furthermore, refusal to exercise protection is not accordance with the frequent attempts made at the present time to prevent the increase in the number of cases of stateless persons and provide protection against acts violating the fundamental human rights recognized by international law as a minimum standard, without distinction as to nationality, religion or race. It is unfortunately not the case. While the Nottebohm decision denied the competence of Liechtenstein to protect a naturalized citizen, the Flegenheimer case involved the denial of protection to a national by birth, when and where will the principle of effective nationality be used? This is a question that needs to be thought over. From the standpoint of human rights protection, the application of this principle should be strictly limited.
VI. Conclusion
Nationality is within the domestic jurisdiction of the State, which settles, by its own legislation, the rules relating to the acquisition of its nationality. It is sometimes asserted that there must be a genuine and effective link between an individual and a state in order to establish a nationality which must be accepted by other states. It is doubtful, however, whether the genuine and effective link requirement, used by the International Court of Justice in the Nottebohm-Case in order to deny Liechtenstein’s claim to exercise protection, can be considered as a relevant element for international recognition of nationality or as a requirement of a valid naturalization under public international law. It is frequently argued that in the absence of any recognized criteria the attribution of nationality must be considered as arbitrary and that there must be some kind of a personal and territorial link. The rule, however, although maintained in state practice, has been gradually diminished in its importance due to one exception, which concerning the raising of claims in case of human rights protection, especially to dual nationals who suffers injury in the third state and cannot be protected by his origin nationality state.

1, Bauer, O. (2001, first published in 1907). The Question of Nationalities and Social Democracy. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
2, ICJRep , 1995, P4, atP23
3, SIR ROBERT JENNINGS & SIR ARTHUR WATTS Oppenheim’s International Law, Longman Group UK LIMITED AND Mrs.Tomokohudso, 1992







中华人民共和国政府 巴基斯坦伊斯兰共和国政府


(签订日期1965年3月26日 生效日期1965年3月26日)

             第一部分 总则

  第一条 中国新疆和由巴基斯坦实际控制其防务的各个地区相接壤的边界(从西端起点即塔什科老干河、洪札河和瓦罕河三水系之间分水岭的相交处至喀喇昆仑山口),已经双方根据边界协定第二条的规定,通过航空测量和地面勘测,予以标定。在航测过程中,发现某些个别地点的实际地形与边界协定附图有些出入。因此,对这些地点的边界线的具体走向,双方已经根据边界协定的规定,通过友好协商,予以确定,并已写入本议定书第二部分中。对于双方所勘定的边界线走向,在本议定书内作了比边界协定更为详细和准确的叙述,并已标在本议定书所附的“中国新疆和由巴基斯坦实际控制其防务的各个地区相接壤的边界地图”上。今后,边界线的具体走向,即以本议定书的规定及其附图为准。

  第二条 为了明确地标定边界线,联合委员会曾决定在边界线上的二十处确定分界点,从西向东顺序编为1号到20号,并在2号到19号的十八处树立界桩;但经实地地面勘察,发现4、5、6号简易界桩,由于自然条件的限制,不能树立。

  第三条 每号界桩可以是单立、双立或三立,其树立原则如下:


  第五条 凡钢筋混凝土界桩均按下述办法刻字:

  第六条 为了科学地确定边界线的地理位置,从西端起点至喀喇昆仑山口,双方进行了下列勘测:

  第七条 由于边界地区地形复杂,地势高峻,不能沿边界线布设同一系统的控制网。因此,在实施本议定书第六条所述的测量时,按下述办法进行了地面控制:

  第八条 双方根据本议定书第六条所述的地形原图,编制了“中国新疆和由巴基斯坦实际控制其防务的各个地区相接壤的边界地图”,作为本议定书的附图。此项附图包括:


           第二部分 边界线走向叙述


  第十一条 从边界线西端起点即塔什科老干河、洪札河和瓦罕河三水系之间分水岭相交处的5587米高地(东经74度34分00.9秒、北纬37度01分57.4秒)到北其牙里克河和南其牙里克河汇合成克里满(吾甫浪吉勒尕)河处的西北面山的下坡上的9号界桩的一段边界线,长度为200.1公里。这段界线走向详细叙述如下:

  第十二条 从北其牙里克河和南其牙里克河汇合成克里满(吾甫浪吉勒尕)河处的西北面山的下坡上的9号界桩到克勒青(穆斯塔格)河和消尔布拉克代牙(布拉尔杜河)汇合处的南面山的下坡上的17号界桩的一段边界线,长度为45.6公里。这段界线走向详细叙述如下:

  第十三条 从克勒青(穆斯塔格)河和消尔布拉克代牙(布拉尔杜河)汇合处的南面山的下坡上的17号界桩到边界线东端终点喀喇昆仑山口上20号分界点的一段边界线,长度为353.4公里。这段界线走向详细叙述如下:

         第三部分 界桩和分界点位置叙述

  第十四条 关于界桩和分界点的位置,列表叙述如下:

|界        桩| |        位              置      |   |   |      |
|----------|分|------------------------------|界桩或| 树 |      |
|界 | 附|单立|类|界|在界线|        |地理座标             |分界点| 桩 | 备  注 |
|桩 | 桩|立或| |点|上或何|具体位置    |-----------------|所在地| 日 |      |
|号 | 编|、三| |号|方一侧|        |   经度   |   纬度   |的高程| 期 |      |
|  | 号|双立|型| |   |        |        |        |(米) |   |      |
|  |  |  | | |   |        |74°34′00″.9 |37°01′57″.4 |   |   | 由于该点涉|
|  |  |  | | |   |位于塔什科老干 |        |        |5587 |   |及三国,且地|
|1 |  |  | |1|界线上|河、洪札河和瓦 |根据2号界桩的数|        |   |   |形和气候条件|
|  |  |  | | |   |罕河三水系之间 |值用三角测量的方|        |   |   |限制,双方同|
|  |  |  | | |   |的分水岭相交处 |法测得     |        |   |   |意暂不在该地|
|  |  |  | | |   |        |        |        |   |   |树桩    |
|  |  |  | | |   |1/2号附桩到2号 |        |        |   |1964年|      |
|  |1/2|  |小| |界线上|界桩的真方位角 |74°40′21″.09|37°04′17″.36|   |7月3日|      |
|  |  |  |型| |   |为16°33′35″,|        |        |   |   |      |
|  |  |  | | |   |距离为980.9米 |        |        |   |   |      |
|  |  |  |小| |   |2/2号附桩到2号 |        |        |   |1964年|      |
|  |2/2|  | | |界线上|界桩的真方位角 |74°40′31″.06|37°04′31″.04|   |7月3日|      |
|  |  |  |型| |   |为3°41′55″,|        |        |   |   |      |
|  |  |  | | |   |距离为519.9米 |        |        |   |   |      |
|  |  |单|大| |   |位于基里克达坂 |        |        |   |1964年|      |
|2 |  |  | | |界线上|        |74°40′32″.42|37°04′47″.87|4827 |7月3日|      |
|  |  |立|型| |   |的分水线上   |        |        |   |   |      |
|  |  |  | | |   |3/2号附桩到2号 |        |        |   |   |3/2号附桩和|
|  |  |  |小| |   |界桩的真方位角 |        |        |   |1964年|4/2号附桩之|
|  |3/2|  | | |界线上|为219°40′38″|74°40′45″.55|37°05′00″.55|   |7月3日|间的界线是直|
|  |  |  |型| |   |,距离为507.8米|        |        |   |   |线,穿过一水|
|  |  |  | | |   |        |        |        |   |   |潭的中心。 |
|  |  |  | | |   |4/2号附桩到2号 |        |        |   |1964年|      |
|  |4/2|  |小| |   |界桩的真方位角 |74°40′58″.06|37°05′21″.32|   |7月3日|      |
|  |  |  |型| |界线上|为211°33′10″|        |        |   |   |      |
|  |  |  | | |   |,距离为1210.4米|        |        |   |   |      |
|  |  |  |小| |   |1/3号附桩到3号 |        |        |   |1964年|      |
|  |1/3|  | | |界线上|界桩的真方位角 |74°51′18″.56|37°00′25″.59|   |6月18|      |
|  |  |  |型| |   |为87°40′38″,|        |        |   |日  |      |
|  |  |  | | |   |距离为157.6米 |        |        |   |   |      |
|  |  |单|大| |   |位于明铁盖达坂 |        |        |   |1964年|      |
|3 |  |  | | |界线上|        |74°51′24″.95|37°00′25″.80|4726 |6月18|      |
|  |  |立|型| |   |的分水线上   |        |        |   |日  |      |
|  |  |  |小| |   |2/3号附桩到3号 |        |        |   |1964年|      |
|  |2/3|  | | |界线上|界桩的真方位角 |74°51′27″.90|37°00′21″.96|   |6月18|      |
|  |  |  |型| |   |为328°22′58″|        |        |   |日  |      |
|  |  |  | | |   |,距离为139.1米|        |        |   |   |      |
|  |  |单|简| |   |位于卡前乃达坂 |        |        |   |   |不能树立(见|
|4 |  |  | | |   |        |        |        |   |   |第十七条第四|
|  |  |立|易| |   |的分水线上   |        |        |   |   |款)    |
|  |  |单|简| |   |位于木子吉里阿 |        |        |   |   |不能树立(见|
|5 |  |  | | |   |        |        |        |   |   |第十七条第四|
|  |  |立|易| |   |达坂的分水线上 |        |        |   |   |款)    |
|  |  |单|简| |   |位于帕日帕克  |        |        |   |   |不能树立(见|
|6 |  |  | | |   |(帕尔皮克)山口 |        |        |   |   |第十七条第四|
|  |  |立|易| |   |的分水线上   |        |        |   |   |款)    |
|  |  |  | | |   |7号界桩到1/7号 |        |        |   |   |      |
|  |  |  |小| |   |附桩的天文方  |        |        |   |1964年|      |
|  |1/7|  | | |界线上|位角为332°43′|75°25′39″.58|36°51′07″.61|   |6月7日|      |
|  |  |  |型| |   |44″.68,距离为|        |        |   |   |      |
|  |  |  | | |   |341.95米    |        |        |   |   |      |
|  |  |单|大| |   |位于红其拉甫达 |        |        |   |1964年|      |
|7 |  |  | | |界线上|        |75°25′45″.90|36°50′57″.75|4733 |6月7日|      |
|  |  |立|型| |   |坂的分水线上  |        |        |   |   |      |
|  |  |  | | |   |7号界桩到2/7号 |        |        |   |   |      |
|  |  |  |小| |   |附桩的天文方  |        |        |   |1964年|      |
|  |2/7|  | | |界线上|位角为217°16′|75°25′38″.36|36°50′49″.80|   |6月7日|      |
|  |  |  |型| |   |24″.18,距离为|        |        |   |   |      |
|  |  |  | | |   |307.90米    |        |        |   |   |      |
|  |  |  | | |   |位于北其牙里克 |        |        |   |   |      |
|  |  |单|简| |   |河和南其牙里克 |        |        |   |1964年|      |
|8 |  |  | | |界线上|河汇合成克里满 |75°45′02″.28|36°44′15″.50|4332 |5月10|      |
|  |  |立|易| |   |河处的西北面山 |        |        |   |日  |      |
|  |  |  | | |   |的上坡     |        |        |   |   |      |
|  |  |  | | |   |位于北其牙里克 |        |        |   |   |      |
|  |  |单|大| |   |河和南其牙里克 |        |        |   |1964年|      |
|9 |  |  | | |界线上|河汇合成克里满 |75°45′28″.54|36°43′55″.00|3938 |5月10|      |
|  |  |立|型| |   |河处的西北面山 |        |        |   |日  |      |
|  |  |  | | |   |的下坡     |        |        |   |   |      |
|10 |  |  |小| |中方|位于克里满河北 |        |        |   |1964年|两颗界桩的连|
|(1)|  |双| | |   |        |75°45′58″.55|36°43′42″.62|3888 |5月9日|线同边界线的|
|  |  |  |型| |一侧|陡岸上     |        |        |   |   |交会点的座标|
|--|--|  |-|-|---|--------|--------|--------|---|---|是根据该两界|
|10 |  |  |小| |巴方|位于克里满河南 |        |        |   |1964年|桩的座标计算|
|(2)|  |立| | |   |        |75°46′01″.58|36°43′35″.48|3892 |5月9日|求得。详见界|
|  |  |  |型| |一侧|陡岸上     |        |        |   |   |桩位置图的说|
|  |  |  | | |   |        |        |        |   |   |明。    |
|11 |  |  |小| |中方|位于克里满河北 |        |        |   |1964年|      |
|(1)|  |双| | |   |        |75°51′40″.93|36°40′27″.43|3683 |5月13|      |
|  |  |  |型| |一侧|偏东岸上    |        |        |   |日  |      |
|--|--|  |-|-|---|--------|--------|--------|---|---| 同 上  |
|11 |  |  |小| |巴方|位于克里满河南 |        |        |   |1964年|      |
|(2)|  |立| | |   |偏西岸一小路南 |75°51′36″.97|36°40′23″.06|3702 |5月13|      |
|  |  |  |型| |一侧|面的山坡上   |        |        |   |日  |      |
|12 |  |  |小| |中方|位于克里满河东 |        |        |   |1964年|      |
|(1)|  |双| | |   |        |75°54′14″.36|36°38′13″.87|3477 |5月12|      |
|  |  |  |型| |一侧|北岸上     |        |        |   |日  |      |
|--|--|  |-|-|---|--------|--------|--------|---|---| 同 上  |
|12 |  |立|小| |巴方|位于克里满河西 |        |        |   |1964年|      |
|(2)|  |  | | |   |        |75°54′08″.00|36°38′11″.04|3471 |5月12|      |
|  |  |  |型| |一侧|南岸上     |        |        |   |日  |      |
|  |  |  | | |   |位于克里满河和 |        |        |   |   |      |
|13 |  |  |大| |巴方|克勒青河汇合处 |        |        |   |1964年|      |
|(1)|  |  | | |   |的克里满河南陡 |75°55′55″.09|36°36′13″.55|3287 |5月10|克里满河和克|
|  |  |  |型| |一侧|岸、克勒青河西 |        |        |   |日  |勒青河河床中|
|  |  |  | | |   |陡岸上     |        |        |   |   |心线的会合点|
|  |  |  | | |   |位于克里满河和 |        |        |   |   |该三颗界桩的|
|13 |  |  |小| |中方|克勒青河汇合处 |        |        |   |1964年|座标计算求 |
|(2)|  |  | | |   |的克勒青河西北 |75°56′33″.00|36°36′25″.40|3280 |5月10|得。详见界桩|
|  |  |  |型| |一侧|陡岸上     |        |        |   |日  |位置图的说 |
|  |  |  | | |   |        |        |        |   |   |明。    |
|--|--|立|-|-|---|--------|--------|--------|---|---|      |
|  |  |  | | |   |位于克里满河和 |        |        |   |   |      |
|13 |  |  |小| |中方|克勒青河汇合处 |        |        |   |1964年|      |
|(3)|  |  | | |   |的克勒青河东陡 |75°56′38″.57|36°35′57″.36|3287 |5月10|      |
|  |  |  |型| |一侧|岸的小石山梁上 |        |        |   |日  |      |
|  |  |  | | |   |        |        |        |   |   |两颗界桩的连|
|  |  |双|小| |   |        |        |        |   |   |线同边界线的|
|14 |  |  | | |巴方|位于克勒青河南 |        |        |   |1964年|交会点的座标|
|(1)|  |  | | |   |        |75°55′44″.45|36°33′40″.58|3308 |4月26|是根据该两界|
|  |  |  | | |一侧|陡岸上     |        |        |   |日  |桩的座标计算|
|  |  |立|型| |   |        |        |        |   |   |求得。详见界|
|  |  |  | | |   |        |        |        |   |   |桩位置图的说|
|  |  |  | | |   |        |        |        |   |   |明。    |
|  |  |  | | |   |位于克勒青河北 |        |        |   |   |      |
|14 |  |  |小| |中方|岸的一石丘和山 |        |        |   |1964年|      |
|(2)|  |  | | |   |坡之间的平坦地 |75°55′47″.96|36°33′55″.64|3318 |4月26|      |
|  |  |  |型| |一侧|上       |        |        |   |日  |      |
|15 |  |  |小| |巴方|位于克勒青河西 |        |        |   |1964年|      |
|(1)|  |双| | |   |陡岸、一小时令 |75°59′02″.27|36°29′59″.59|3440 |4月24|      |
|  |  |  |型| |一侧|河西北陡岸上  |        |        |   |日  |      |
|--|--|  |-|-|---|--------|--------|--------|---|---|  同上  |
|15 |  |  |小| |中方|位于克勒青河东 |        |        |   |1964年|      |
|(2)|  |立| | |   |        |75°59′28″.94|36°30′01″.96|3404 |4月26|      |
|  |  |  |型| |一侧|陡岸上     |        |        |   |日  |      |
|  |  |  | | |   |位于克勒青河和 |        |        |   |   |      |
|  |  |  | | |   |消尔布拉克代牙 |        |        |   |   |      |
|16 |  |  |小| |巴方|汇合处的克勒青 |        |        |   |1964年|      |
|(1)|  |双| | |   |河西南陡岸、消 |76°00′25″.96|36°26′58″.42|3440 |4月20|      |
|  |  |  |型| |一侧|尔布拉克代牙西 |        |        |   |日  |      |
|  |  |  | | |   |北陡岸上    |        |        |   |   |      |
|--|--|  |-|-|---|--------|--------|--------|---|---|  同上  |
|  |  |  | | |   |位于克勒青河和 |        |        |   |1964年|      |
|16 |  |  |小| |中方|消尔布拉克代牙 |76°01′02″.54|36°27′22″.66|3443 |4月21|      |
|(2)|  |立| | |   |汇合处的克勒青 |        |        |   |日  |      |
|  |  |  |型| |一侧|河东岸山坡上  |        |        |   |   |      |
|  |  |  | | |   |位于克勒青河和 |        |        |   |1964年|      |
|  |  |单|大| |   |消尔布拉克代牙 |76°00′55″.82|36°27′01″.42|3447 |4月21|      |
|17 |  |  | | |界线上|汇合处的南面山 |        |        |   |日  |      |
|  |  |立|型| |   |的下坡     |        |        |   |   |      |
|  |  |  | | |   |位于克勒青河和 |        |        |   |   |      |
|  |  |单|简| |   |消尔布拉克代牙 |        |        |   |1964年|      |
|18 |  |  | | |界线上|汇合处的南面山 |76°01′14″.50|36°26′19″.17|4572 |4月20|      |
|  |  |立|易| |   |的上坡     |        |        |   |日  |      |
|  |  |  | | |   |位于东木斯塔山 |*       |*       |   |   |*在制图过程|
|  |  |  | | |   |口的分水线上  |        |        |   |   |中,发现实地|
|  |  |  | | |   |        |        |        |   |   |求得的座标,|
|  |  |单|简| |   |        |        |        |   |1964年|由于自然条件|
|19 |  |  | | |界线上|        |        |        |5416 |5月9日|的限制,与邻|
|  |  |立|易| |   |        |        |        |   |   |近控制点不协|
|  |  |  | | |   |        |        |        |   |   |调,所以座标|
|  |  |  | | |   |        |        |        |   |   |不予列入。 |
|  |  |  | | |   |位于喀喇昆仑山 |        |        |   |   |      |
|  |  |  | |20|界线上|        |77°49′26″.55|35°30′50″.00|5568 |   |      |
|  |  |  | | |   |口上      |        |        |   |   |      |


          第四部分 边界线和界桩的维护